John Gravina
Attorney at Law in Tucson, Arizona
Gravina Law Offices
3546 N Euclid Ave
Tucson AZ 85719-1743
Tel: 520 795-4330; 866 795-4330
Fax: 520 881-7689
I am a licensed attorney in Arizona. When I first went out on my own, I had a general practice. I now concentrate in consumer law representing claimants and accident victims.
* Accidents
- Representing consumer in their claims against negligent parties;
- Recent studies show two key reasons for legal representation-you have a better chance of recovering money; and you will likely receive more money (25% more after fees and costs-RAND Institute).
* Workers’ Compensation
- Representing claimant’s in their claim against employers and their insurance company; Representation at the
Industrial Commission; Initial Denial Claims; Petition’s to Re-Open, Loss of Earning Capacity; and, Petitions for Re-Arrangement.
- Workers’ Comp is very complex and the insurance company or self insured employer will be represented by attorneys specialized in Workers’ Comp. It is recommended that you consult with an attorney familiar with Workers’ Comp.
* Social Security Disability
- Representing disabled workers no longer able to be employed; Initial Claims, Reconsideration and Administrative Law Hearings;
- The reversal rate of a Social Security denial is more than 50%; in my practice it is over 60%. You will be going to a formal proceeding and genrallly you should not go to court without a representative other than a lawyer. An attorney will assist in gathering the evidence. They will prepare you and your case and be with you at the hearing. An attorney represents your interest and is your advocate.
* Wills & Probate
- Drawing up simple wills, codicils, beneficiary deeds and other documents that will help your survivors after your death;
- Assisting survivors in dealing with the legal issues after a loved one’s death.
