James Nesci
Tucson DUI Lawyers - Pima County Criminal Defense Attorneys at Law

For DUI lawyers in Tucson, Arizona or criminal law attorneys throughout Pima County, call Nesci & St. Louis, helping clients with vehicular and homicide crimes, sex and drug offenses and appellate matters.

Nesci & St. Louis PLLC
216 N Main Ave
Tucson AZ 85701
Tel: 520 622-1222
Fax: 520 624-7817
E-mail: jamesnesci@aol.com

James Nesci is the managing partner of Nesci & St. Louis, P.L.L.C. since its start in January of 2005. His firm's primary focus is defense of vehicular crimes. He concentrates in the area of Driving Under the Influence of Drugs cases and is one of the few attorneys in the U.S. who focuses on this area of the law.

Specializing in...
* All Vehicular Crimes
* Commercial Drivers
* Minor Driving with Alcohol in the Body
* Road Blocks
* DUI Homicide
* Motor Vehicle Division Hearings
* Criminal Defense
* Sexual Offenses
* Drug Offenses
* Prostitution Cases
* Appeals
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